Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Hello All, 

Its been a long time since i visited my blog after creating. today i am here to tell you all a small story which i came across,
here you go!! my first post.
Trip to Pondy

It was a Friday morning with full weekend mood (as always) i reached office. i was sitting relaxed in my desk after reaching office. A base voice came behind me 'prasanna i guess we have meeting now' oh shit! i said and rushed inside the conference room 'owner of the base voice is my MD. That was a usual meeting to reward me for my extraordinary work, Can't believe is it? even i can't'.Came out of the meeting room with full rewards. My face went down to the floor with full sadness, there came my colleague asked me 'machi Pondy polama ?...' (can we go to Pondicherry?)' those words were like a boost to a marathon racer who ran more than 100 miles. Immediately my voice, sure done! we are going(with smile all over the face). 

We scheduled to start at 9pm from office. As usual, i was not able to start at the scheduled time due to my work. 'In the field of HR, you will not be able to predict the adhoc work coming to you, it's like taking care of babies at the day care center.Employees will be of different mindset and with different emotions. One will think,he/she just makes fun of some other but the other person will think he/she has been humiliated. So after hearing to all the conversations, thinking from both their point of view, HR has to come out with a solution to manage the situation without offending or defending anyone. I hope now you understood, how tough is to be a HR?'. Finally! we started at 10 pm from office to bus stop. The time we reached the bus stop, frequent buses were not there.As i made it late to start, my friend was very angry and did not buy me any food for the night. We then got a taxi to Pondicherry, with sleepy eyes and empty tummy we started.

Taxi driver seemed little disturbed, no word from him. Then asked a co-passenger what happened Sir?; why you are so upset?. The driver shouted! f***king police guys.Again the another passenger asked the driver what happened as he seemed to be very angry and disturbed. The driver stopped by a tea shop for a break and then expressed the situation with police guys, he went through before he started the trip. Oh man! the police guys have done the job of collecting money even at this time.

We had a funny passengers accompanied with us during the travel.(forgot to tell you all we went on a sharing taxi which had 6 passengers including us travelling to Pondy).The person sat next to us started the talk with information about Pondy. Guess he came to know i am a first timer to Pondy by our talks. My friend argued with him on the information about Pondy. He immediately questioned my friend where are you from and where did you study?.I murmured in my friend's ears hey lets stop the conversation machan he is asking about studies. B'cos we are very good in studies, you know :)..So then, we stopped the conversations and started my meditation(sleeping). After few hours my friend woke me up and said "dai we reached Pondy check post" Cool da, i said and woke up. My friend pointed towards a statue and said this is the entrance of Pondy. Oh gosh! guide started his duty.

Journey started again after clearing all the paperwork at the checkpost. We reached Pondy around 1AM and took an auto to his home. Had special dinner served by his mom. She was so sweet, offered dinner at that time. Had nice dinner and went to bed with a plan to get up early morning to see the shining beauty of the SUN. As usual the plan was a flop,we slept till 10AM in the morning.We then went around Pondy for site seeing.My friend took me to a signal first and explained the four way signal, he said each road is heading towards a special place in Pondy. After the short lecturer by him our journey started in Honda Activa(Bike courtesy:His Sister). 

We came around all the place in Pondy as he said. One thing was common all around Pondy i think by now you should guessed yes, it the liquor shops. OMG it is like neat clean supermarket in Chennai. Took pictures in all the streets, beach, nicely build French colony and even near sewage water(b'cos he said many movies were flimed there :p ). You won't believe within two hours of our journey he said its Over. I asked OMG! Pondy is so small we finished within 2 hrs?. He confidently conveyed ya this is it. No other go, I said ok b'cos i don't know anything about Pondy.I started back in the evening to Chennai and reached around 8PM in the night.

Came to office with short experience i got from Pondy and told my friends but everyone asked did you go to this place and did you go to this place. really speaking i had no clue about those places. I some how managed the talks and asked my friend that these guys are asking so many places did we visit all those?. He replied yes we did, again with great confidence in his voice. Our common friend enquired us during lunch about our visit and i said ya we visited all places and my friend nooded his head for that. The common friend asked what did you see in those places i said something and he replied those are not the places what i am asking. Oh is it! i looked around my friend and asked what da? Din't we go to those places. with a big question mark in his face, he asked the common friend where are those places in Pondy?. I was shocked and understood i was fooled by my own idiotic friend.. But what to do he is my bestiee so we both looked at each other and laughed .. ha ha ha ha ha ha ..

A happy ending...

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